Sixty-four known species are threatened with extinction, largely because of overfishing. On the Adriatic Sea's coasts and islands, there are numerous small settlements, and a number of larger cities. [31], The coastal water dynamics are determined by the asymmetric coasts and the inflow of the Mediterranean seawater through the Straits of Otranto and further on along the eastern coast. The distinct seasonal temperature variations, with a longitudinal gradient in the Northern and transversal gradient in the Middle and Southern Adriatic,[50] are attributed to the continental characteristics of the Adriatic Sea: it is shallower and closer to land than are oceans. [101] Largest of these live normally is the fin whale,[102] and sperm whale,[103] the largest of toothed whales also migrate but less common than fin whales, followed by Cuvier's beaked whales. The Adriatic extends northwest from 40° to 45°47' north, representing the Mediterranean's northernmost portion. [291] The discovery was followed by further surveys off the Croatian coast. Température mer: 14° 14° 14° 16° 19° 23° 26° 25° 24° 21° 19° 16° Vous pouvez ainsi aisément choisir une destination de vacances où se baigner sera agréable ou savoir quand est le bon moment pour aller à la plage ! This arrangement was made permanent in the 1975 Treaty of Osimo. [137], In 2010, Albania established its first marine protection area, the Karaburun-Sazan National Marine Park at the Karaburun Peninsula where the Adriatic and Ionian Seas meet. The Otranto Sill, an underwater ridge, is located at the border between the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. [217] The treaty was largely disregarded by Britain and France because of conflicting promises made to Serbia and a perceived lack of Italian contribution to the war effort outside Italy itself. [186] The Adriatic coastline controlled by the Ottoman Empire was reduced by the Congress of Berlin in 1878, through recognition of the independence of the Principality of Montenegro, which controlled the coast south of the Bay of Kotor to the Bojana River. [255], The largest volume of fish harvesting was in Italy, where the total production volume in 2007 stood at 465,637 tonnes (458,283 long tons). [288] Oil was discovered in the Northern Adriatic at a depth of approximately 5,400 metres (17,700 ft); the discovery was assessed as not viable because of its location, depth and quality. (For instance, approximately 500 years are necessary to exchange all the Black Sea's water.) The territory was turned back over to France after the Peace of Pressburg in 1805, when the territory in the Po valley became an integral part of the new Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy. [287] Eni estimated its concessions in the Adriatic Sea to hold at least 40,000,000,000 cubic metres (1.4×1012 cu ft) of natural gas, adding that they may even reach 100,000,000,000 cubic metres (3.5×1012 cu ft). [83], The largest part of the eastern coast consists of carbonate rocks, while flysch (a particular type of sedimentary rock) is significantly represented in the Gulf of Trieste coast, especially along Slovenia's coast where the 80-metre (260 ft) Strunjan cliff—the highest cliff on the entire Adriatic and the only one of its type on the eastern Adriatic coast—is located,[84] on the Kvarner Gulf coast opposite Krk, and in Dalmatia north of Split. It contributes to the flow of bottom water from the Adriatic to the Levantine Basin through the Ionian Sea. [237] The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea defines the Adriatic Sea as an enclosed or semi-enclosed sea. Adriatic Croatia's tourism industry has grown faster economically than the rest of the Adriatic Basin's. 27 such hotspots have been determined as of 2011, 6 warranting an urgent response. Mer adriatique ou méditérranée ? [142] It is estimated that if a major oil spill happened, a million people would lose their livelihoods in Croatia alone. Définition mer Adriatique:. The sea is abundant in flora and fauna—more than 7,000 species are identified as native to the Adriatic, many of them endemic, rare and threatened ones. [257], In 2007, Albanian fisheries production amounted to 7,505 tonnes (7,386 long tons),[248] including aquaculture production, which reached 1,970 tonnes (1,940 long tons) in 2006. août sept. oct. nov. déc. ", "Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profiles – Italy", "Glavni plan i strategija razvoja turizma Republike Hrvatske", "International tourism in the coastal regions of five Mediterranean countries", "Intervju: Načelnik općine Neum dr. Živko Matuško za BH. [114] The Torre del Cerrano protected area was created in 2009, extending 3 nautical miles (5.6 km; 3.5 mi) into the sea and along 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) of coastline. In 752 AD the Lombards overthrew the Exarchate, ending the influence of the Byzantine Empire on the western shore of the Adriatic for a few centuries. [292] In January 2012, INA commenced prospecting for oil off Dubrovnik, marking the resumption of oil exploration along the eastern Adriatic coast after surveys commenced in the late 1980s around the island of Brač were cancelled because of Yugoslavia's breakup and war in Croatia. Pendant la journée, la brise de mer rend habituellement la chaleur supportable, tandis que les nuits sont étouffantes à cause de l'humidité de la mer. The Adriatic Euroregion consists of 23 members: the Apulia, Molise, Abruzzo, Marche, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia regions of Italy; the municipality of Izola in Slovenia; the Istria, Primorje-Gorski Kotar, Lika-Senj, Zadar, Šibenik-Knin, Split-Dalmatia and Dubrovnik-Neretva counties of Croatia; the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton of Bosnia–Herzegovina; the municipalities of Kotor and Tivat in Montenegro; the Fier, Vlorë, Tirana, Shkodër, Durrës and Lezhë counties of Albania; and the Greek prefectures of Thesprotia and Corfu. The treaty reversed all wartime annexations, guaranteed the independence of Albania, created the Free Territory of Trieste (FTT) as a city-state, and gave communist Yugoslavia most of the Slovenian Littoral, as well as Istria, the islands of Cres, Lastovo and Palagruža, and the cities of Zadar and Rijeka. The exchange of the substances is made more complex by bathymetry of the Adriatic Sea—75% of water flowing north through the strait recirculates at the Palagruža Sill and North Adriatic adds no more than 3 – 4% of water to the South Adriatic. The Adriatic Sea is a semi-enclosed sea,[7] bordered in the southwest by the Apennine or Italian Peninsula, in the northwest by the Italian regions of Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and in the northeast by Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Albania—the Balkan peninsula. [223] The FTT was partitioned in 1954: Trieste itself and the area to the North of it were placed under Italian control, while the rest came under Yugoslav control. [201] These were created in 1809 through the Treaty of Schönbrunn; they represented the end of Venetian rule on the eastern Adriatic coast, as well as the end of the Republic of Ragusa. [71] Similarly, karst developed in Apulia from the Apulian Carbonate Platform. Durant l’hiver, la température de l’eau frôle les 15°C. The Adriatic Sea sits on the Apulian or Adriatic Microplate, which separated from the African Plate in the Mesozoic era. The Adriatic's shores are populated by more than 3.5 million people; the largest cities are Bari, Venice, Trieste and Split. In total, more than 3.5 million people live on the Adriatic coasts. utilisent des couches de cendres volcaniques, présentes dans une carotte de la mer Adriatique, comme horizons repères. [72] An unbroken zone of increased seismic activity borders the Adriatic Sea, with a belt of thrust faults generally oriented in the northeast–southwest direction on the east coast and the northeast–southwest normal faults in the Apennines, indicating an Adriatic counterclockwise rotation. [17], The Adriatic Sea contains more than 1,300 islands and islets, most along the Adriatic's eastern coast—especially in Croatia, with 1,246 counted. The Kingdom of Italy expanded in 1866: it annexed Venetia,[209] but its navy was defeated in the Adriatic near Vis. Niveau de la mer, évaporation, précipitations, température. [46] The submarine springs include thermal springs, discovered offshore near the town of Izola. [123] The Bay of Mali Ston is located at the border of Croatia and Bosnia–Herzegovina, north of the Pelješac peninsula. La carte ci-dessous présente une moyenne mensuelle de la température de l'eau de la mer adriatique pour le mois de août pour plusieurs villes côtières. [44] In terms of the annual total discharge into the entire Mediterranean Sea, the Po is ranked second, followed by the Neretva and Drin, which rank as third and fourth. [207] In the Apennine peninsula's south, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was formed in 1816 by unifying the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily. [82] Most of the eastern coast is characterised by a karst topography, developed from the Adriatic Carbonate Platform's exposure to weathering. The park covers 69 kilometres (43 mi) of coastline, 22.95 square kilometres (8.86 sq mi) of land and 44.55 square kilometres (17.20 sq mi) of sea. [79] In the last 600 years, fifteen tsunamis have occurred in the Adriatic Sea. The Adriatic is the northernmost arm of the Mediterranean Sea. The marine environment encompasses three-quarters of the total area, while the island shores' combined length equals 238 kilometres (148 mi). [188] In the 13th century, Venice established itself as a leading maritime nation. [187] In 1202, the Fourth Crusade was diverted to conquer Zadar at the behest of the Venetians—the first instance of a Crusader force attacking a Catholic city—before proceeding to sack Constantinople. [48] The Middle and South Adriatic Gyres (SAG), are significant cyclonic circulation features, with the former being intermittent and the latter permanent. L'Adriatique se trouve sur la plaque adriatique qui s'était séparée de l'Afrique durant le Mésozoïque. [112] In addition, there is a Ramsar wetland reserve in Croatia—the Neretva river's delta. [181][182] In addition, the Papal States were carved out in the area around Rome and central Italy in the 8th century. Overexploited species include common dentex, red scorpionfish, monkfish, John Dory, blue shark, spiny dogfish,[250] mullet, red mullet, Norway lobster,[251] as well as European hake,[252] and sardines. [118], There are seven marine protected areas in Croatia: Brijuni and the Lim Canal off the Istria peninsula's coast, near Pula and Rovinj respectively; Kornati and Telašćica in the Middle Adriatic basin, near Zadar; and Lastovo, Bay of Mali Ston (Croatian: Malostonski zaljev) and Mljet in southern Dalmatia. It is estimated that some karst formations are from earlier sea level drops, most notably the Messinian salinity crisis. Plusieurs pays bordent la mer adriatique tels que la Croatie, la Slovénie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, l’Italie et l’Albanie. [143] An additional risk is presented by oil refineries in the Po River basin where oil spills have occurred before,[144] in addition to accidents occurring in the Adriatic already, so far with no significant environmental consequences. Best Answer for L'adriatique E.g. Controlez que la température de la mer est idéale avec nos informations mises à jour en temps réel et nos prévisions de la température de la mer pour les jours à venir ville par ville en Croatie. [4] Mare Superum on the other hand normally encompassed both the modern Adriatic Sea and the sea off the Apennine peninsula's southern coast, as far as the Strait of Sicily. [256], In 2007, Croatia's production in live weight reached 53,083 tonnes (52,245 long tons). [231] Montenegro declared itself independent in 2006, effectively land-locking Serbia. 5-88. [54], According to the Köppen climate classification, the upper half of the Adriatic is classified as humid subtropical climate (Cfa), with wetter summers and colder and drier winters, and the southern Adriatic are classified as hot-summer Mediterranean climate (Csa). Température mer: 14° 13° 13° 15° 18° 21° 24° 25° 22° 20° 17° 15° [191] The 15th and the 16th centuries brought about the Byzantine Empire's destruction in 1453 and the Ottoman Empire's expansion that reached Adriatic shores in present-day Albania and Montenegro as well as the immediate hinterland of the Dalmatian coast,[192][193] defeating the Hungarian and Croatian armies at Krbava in 1493 and Mohács in 1526. Croatian marine aquaculture production consisted of tuna (47.2%), oysters and mussels (28.2% combined) and bass and bream (24.6% combined). Retrouvez ci-dessous les moyennes de température relevées en août dans les différents pays côtiers de la mer adriatique. The depleted fish stock, and Croatia's Ecological and Fisheries Protection Zone (ZERP) contributed to accusations of overfishing exchanged between Italian and Croatian fishermen. [2] In classical antiquity, the sea was known as Mare Adriaticum (Mare Hadriaticum, also sometimes simplified to Adria) or, less frequently, as Mare Superum, "[the] upper sea". balnéaire Sea. [40][41][42], It is estimated that the Adriatic's entire volume is exchanged through the Strait of Otranto in 3.4±0.4 years, a comparatively short period. [199] In 1797, the Republic of Venice was abolished after the French conquest. [75] In the Middle Adriatic Basin, there is evidence of Permian volcanism in the area of Komiža on the island of Vis and the volcanic islands of Jabuka and Brusnik. [236], Croatia and Slovenia started negotiations to define maritime borders in the Gulf of Piran in 1992 but failed to agree, resulting in a dispute. Most of the eastern shore of the Adriatic was part of Dalmatia, except for the southernmost portion, part of the province of Macedonia, and the peninsula of Istria on the northern part of the eastern shore; Istria contained the important Roman colony at Pula and was incorporated into the province of Italy. The largest number of tourist overnight stays and the most numerous tourist accommodation facilities are recorded in Italy, especially in the Veneto region (around Venice). In Serbo-Croatian and Slovene, the sea is often referred to as simply Jadran. The Adriatic's western shores are largely either alluvial or terraced, whereas the eastern shores are predominantly rocky, except for the southernmost part of the shore located in Albania that consists of sandy coves and rocky capes. int. [63] There are also some larger cities that are located very near the coast, such as the Italian cities of Ravenna and Lecce. The average summer temperature of the Adriatic is between 22-26 degrees Celsius. [258] In 2007, the fisheries production in Bosnia–Herzegovina reached volume of 9,625 tonnes (9,473 long tons) and 2,463 tonnes (2,424 long tons) in Slovenia. Venice, which was originally built on islands off the coast, is most at risk due to subsidence, but the threat is present in the Po delta as well. [154] Future pollution hazards are addressed and pollution hotspots are assessed not only by nations in the basin but also through regional projects with World Bank support. [55][56] The air temperature can fluctuate by about 20 °C (36 °F) during a season. The proponents of the new union in the Croatian parliament saw the move as a safeguard against Italian expansionism as stipulated in the Treaty of London. Mer. [167] During Caesar's Civil War, there was a three-month delay in Caesar's Balkan campaign against Pompey caused when winter storms on the Adriatic and a naval blockade held up Mark Antony from reaching him from Brundisium with reinforcements; after the reinforcements finally arrived Caesar made an unsuccessful attempt to capture Dyrrachium before the campaign moved inland. [169] Brundisium and Dyrrachium remained important ports well after the Roman period, but an earthquake in the 3rd century AD changed the path of a river causing Apollonia's harbor to silt up, and the city to decline. [249] Overfishing is a recognised problem—450 species of fish live in the Adriatic Sea, including 120 species threatened by excessive commercial fishing, a problem exacerbated by pollution and global warming. Température de l'eau de la mer adriatique en janvier - Minimum : 50°F/Maximum : 59°F Température de l'eau de la mer adriatique en février - Minimum : 48°F/Maximum : 59°F Température de l'eau de la mer adriatique en mars - Minimum : 50°F/Maximum : 60°F … mars avril mai juin juil. The sirocco brings humid and warm air, often carrying Saharan sand causing rain dust.[57]. [208], The process of Italian unification culminated in the Second Italian War of Independence, resulting in the Kingdom of Sardinia annexing all territories along the western Adriatic coast south of Venetia in 1860, and the 1861 establishment of the Kingdom of Italy in its place. ... Sea level, evaporation, precipitation, temperature. The additional boundary agreed upon in 1975 consists of 5 points, extending from an end point of the 1968 line. [115] The Isole Tremiti reserve has been protected since 1989, while the Tremiti islands themselves are part of the Gargano National Park. Doggy Beach. Holcer D.. Fortuna M.C.. Mackelworth C. P.. 2014. [125], In Slovenia, the marine and coastal protected nature areas are the Sečovlje Salina Landscape Park, Strunjan Landscape Park, Škocjan Inlet Nature Reserve, and the Debeli Rtič, Cape Madona and Lakes in Fiesa natural monuments. [197], In 1648, the Holy Roman Empire lost its claim on its former Italian lands, formally ending the Kingdom of Italy; however, its only outlet on the Adriatic Sea, the Duchy of Ferrara, was already lost to the Papal States. [141] A further risk is presented by ballast water discharge by ships, especially tankers. [273][274][275][276] The largest seaport in Montenegro is the Port of Bar. Les troupes de touristes sont moins nombreuses, ce qui favorise le farniente sur les plages ensoleillées et les baignades en toute quiétude à Bari, Venise, Trieste, Split et Dubrovnik. [110] There are 45 known subspecies endemic to the Adriatic's coasts and islands. Between the Norian and Late Cretaceous, the Adriatic and Apulia Carbonate Platforms formed as a thick series of carbonate sediments (dolomites and limestones), up to 8,000 metres (26,000 ft) deep. La différence entre l'âge 14 C des foraminifères présents dans cette couche et celui des dépôts de charbon d'origine continentale qui y sont associés (ou avec l'âge … [116] The Torre Guaceto protected area, located near Brindisi and Carovigno, covers a sea surface of 2,227 hectares (5,500 acres) and is adjacent to the Torre Guaceto State Reserve covering 1,114 hectares (2,750 acres) of coast and sharing an 8-kilometre (5.0 mi) coastline with the marine protected area. [3] The two terms were not synonymous, however. [146] The Slovenian government and municipalities,[147] the municipal council of Trieste,[148] and non-governmental organisations have voiced concern over their environmental hazards, effect on transport and effect on tourism. [233][234], Italy and Yugoslavia defined their Adriatic continental shelf delimitation in 1968,[235] with an additional agreement signed in 1975 on the Gulf of Trieste boundary, following the Treaty of Osimo. [26] The northern shore of the Greek island of Corfu also lies in the Adriatic Sea as defined by the IHO. août sept. oct. nov. déc. [236] Following Croatian EU membership, the Adriatic became an internal sea of the EU. [194] These defeats spelled the end of an independent Hungarian kingdom, and both Croatian and Hungarian nobility chose Ferdinand I of the House of Habsburg as their new ruler, bringing the Habsburg Monarchy to the shore of the Adriatic Sea, where it would remain for nearly four hundred years. [96] This is reflected in its biogeography and ecology, and particularly in the composition and properties of its ecosystems. La mer Adriatique est celle qui baigne toute la Côte de Rimini.C’est la mer où, beaucoup d’entre nous, prennent des bains rafraîchissants en été. [121] The Kornati national park was established in 1980; it covers approximately 220 square kilometres (85 sq mi), including 89 islands and islets. Following World War I and the collapse of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, the eastern coast's control passed to Yugoslavia and Albania. [201] The new kingdom included the province of Romagna, thus removing the Papal State from the Adriatic coast;[202] however, Trieste, Istria and Dalmatia were joined into a set of separate provinces of the French Empire: the Illyrian Provinces. The greatest portion of the discharge from any single river comes from the Po (28%),[43] with an average discharge from it alone of 1,569 cubic metres per second (55,400 cu ft/s). [159], Roman economic and military influence in the region began to grow with the creation by 246 BC of a major naval base at Brundisium (now Brindisi), which was established to bar Carthaginian ships from the Adriatic during the Punic Wars. Température de l'eau de la mer adriatique en janvier - Minimum : 50°F/Maximum : 59°F Température de l'eau de la mer adriatique en février - Minimum : 48°F/Maximum : 59°F Température de l'eau de la mer adriatique en mars - Minimum : 50°F/Maximum : 60°F Température de l'eau de la mer adriatique en avril - Minimum : 56°F/Maximum : 61°F Température de l'eau de la mer adriatique en mai - Minimum : … ", "Facing Water Challenges in the Po River Basin, Italy: A WWDR3 Case Study", "Technology: Venetians put barrage to the test against the Adriatic", "Venice's 1,500-year battle with the waves", "Venice's MOSE flood barriers rise for the first time", "Submerged Karst – Dead or Alive? [100], A number of rare and threatened species are also found along the Adriatic's eastern coast; it is relatively clearer and less polluted than the western Adriatic coast—in part because the sea currents flow through the Adriatic in a counterclockwise direction, thus bringing clearer waters up the eastern coast and returning increasingly polluted water down the western coast. La côte croate de l'Adriatique connait trois types des conditions météorologiques – cette lors de sirocco (jugo en croate), le vent chaud et humide, - cette lors de bora (bura en croate), le vent froid et sec apportant les conditions stabiles, - et celle lors de maestral, le vent soufflant du nord-ouest pendant le jour et burin soufflant pendant la nuit. The origins of the name Adriatic are linked to the Etruscan settlement of Adria, which probably derives its name from the Illyrian adur meaning water or sea. In the Eocene and early Oligocene, the plate moved north and north-east, contributing to the Alpine orogeny (along with the African and Eurasian Plates' movements) via the tectonic uplift of the Dinarides and Alps. [78] Historical earthquakes in the area include the 1627 Gargano peninsula and the 1667 Dubrovnik earthquakes, both followed by strong tsunamis. The total fisheries output's gross value in 2002 was $1.9 billion. the law of the sea 4879. the baltic sea 2819. the black sea 2207. by sea 2125. mars avril mai juin juil. [14][15] In 2016, Slovenia adopted a new elevation benchmark referring to the upgraded tide gauge station in the coastal town of Koper. janv. [122] Telašćica is a nature park established on Dugi Otok in 1988. The Adriatic Sea (/ˌeɪdriˈætɪk/) is a body of water separating the Italian Peninsula from the Balkans. [248] In 2000, the nominal—on a live weight basis—total landings of all Adriatic fisheries reached 110,000 tonnes (108,000 long tons). [286] About 100 offshore platforms are located in the Emilia-Romagna region,[112] along with 17 in the Northern Adriatic. [99] Recent studies revealed that cetaceans and other marine megafaunas, that were once thought to be vagrants to Adriatic Sea, migrate and live in the semi-closed sea on larger scales. In the Middle Ages, the Adriatic shores and the sea itself were controlled, to a varying extent, by a series of states—most notably the Byzantine Empire, the Croatian Kingdom, the Republic of Venice, the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire. [126][127] The Sečovlje Salina Landscape Park was established in 1990, covers 721 hectares (1,780 acres), and includes four nature reserves. © Des Clics Nomades/ 2015-2020 - Tous droits réservés. By the 2nd century BC, the shores were under Rome's control. The 2006 marine capture catch in Croatian waters consisted of sardines (44.8%), anchovies (31.3%), tunas (2.7%), other pelagic fish (4.8%), hake (2.4%), mullet (2.1%), other demersal fish (8.3%), crustaceans (largely lobster and Nephrops norvegicus) (0.8%), shellfish (largely oysters and mussels) (0.3%), cuttlefish (0.6%), squids (0.2%) and octopuses and other cephalopods (1.6%). [108], Tuna has been caught by the locals in the upper Adriatic for thousands of years. The marine protected area covers 48 square kilometres (19 sq mi). INA estimates, however, are 50% lower than those supplied by Eni. Les pays côtiers de la mer Adriatique sont: l'Albanie, la Croatie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, l'Italie, le … [210] Following the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 and the Croatian–Hungarian Settlement of 1868, the control of much of the eastern Adriatic coast was redefined. [155], Settlements along the Adriatic dating to between 6100 and 5900 BC appear in Albania and Dalmatia on the eastern coast, related to the Cardium pottery culture. The Croatian tourist facilities are further augmented by 21,000 nautical ports and moorings; nautical tourists are attracted to various types of marine protected areas. The most common species are Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera noltii, while Zostera marina and Posidonia oceanica are comparatively rare.