Faculty of Oriental Studies: University of Oxford. [20], In terms of political barriers, some classify the reformed Mudawana as an example of strategic liberalization, typical within certain "liberalized autocracies," that arises out of internal and external pressures but is ultimately limited in the extent of its reforms. [16] Levinson, Charles. [18] These figures, and the differences between the two rallies, illustrate a polarization that exists in Moroccan society through today, and the divisions and controversy associated with it, along with the rise of Islamic movements in Morocco, ultimately prevented the PAIWD's implementation. Huffington Post. Die Moudawana wurde 2004 vom marokkanischen König Mohammed VI. [6] Many argue that the electoral system's main function is to serve as a means for the monarchy to create and manipulate a dependent class of political elites. Women's eNews. Sharialaw that focuses more on custom . [6] Ibid. World Report 2010. [9] As a result, this traditional form of religious authority gives the monarch the political legitimacy to arbitrate the agenda and decisions of a modern, multiparty government.[10]. 1,063 likes. The Moroccan regime has always been repressive, intimidating and disempowering political opposition members since gaining independence in 1956. اگر از کاربران #یوتیوب هستید بهتر است بدانید برای حفظ امنیت ضروری است تاریخچه فعالیت‌های… https://t.co/5TVcs5D2sX, Happy #YaldaNight? “In Lorestan, there is no water, no electricity, in fact, nothing at all” [13], In 1991, this was manifested in concrete political action as l’Union de l’Action Féminine (UAF), a women's group within one of Morocco's Marxist–Leninist political parties and consisting mainly of professional, middle class women, collected one million signatures on a petition calling for Mudawana reform and presented it to the Prime Minister. [6] Ultimately, the credit for the reforms' successful enactment has been given to the monarchy. 19 Dec. 2003. Al3omk « Nous avons tiré la sonnette d’alarme à plusieurs reprises. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. (VIDEO) Articles similaires . Once a woman comes of age, she does not need a marital tutor (a male relative, usually the father who speaks on her behalf). [22], When announcing the reforms, Mohammad VI indicated that he sought to “reflect the general will of the nation” rather than impose legislation, and emphasized that the reform did not represent a "victory" for one side or the other. [8] Robinson, Helah. The Mudawana (or Moudawana, Arabic: المدوّنة ‎), short for mudawwanat al-aḥwāl al-shakhṣiyyah (مدونة الأحوال الشخصية), is the personal status code, also known as the family code, in Moroccan law. This included the founding of many new women's associations, many of which began as affiliates of existing political parties. [9], There are social, legal, logistical, and political barriers to the actual implementation of many of the reforms in the new Mudawana. Traditionalists felt only the king had the right to change the law and the modernists felt that the king had the right to exercise ijtihad and ultimately decide the role that Islamic law would play in Morocco's legal framework. La démocratie libérale avancée serait devenue le modèle universel et dominant, à imiter voire à adopter, y compris par la force, comme en témoignent les projets de démocratie dans le grand Moyen-Orient, inspirés par les néoconservateurs américains. [30] Ibid. The Legal System of Morocco . PDF. Est-il utile de brûler le Coran ? Morocco in Transition, Middle East Report 218 (Spring 2001). [17] While retaining presidency of the UAF, Jbabdi was elected to the Moroccan Parliament in 2007.[18]. In response, the reformists called on him to change the Moudawana. Whereas the original Mudawana and its 1993 reforms were enacted by royal decree, the 2004 reforms were deliberated upon extensively in Parliament, which made over 100 amendments to the code before ratifying it in January 2004. PDF. Comme indiqué au … Charrad, Mounira M. States and Women's Rights: The Making of Postcolonial Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. "Sculpting the Rock of Women's Rights: The Role of Women's Organizations in Promoting the National Plan of Action to Integrate Women in Development in Morocco. [20] [25], From a legal standpoint, the Moroccan penal code still does not reflect the principles of gender equality established within the provisions of the Mudawana. Critics consequently point out that the Mudawana represents an improvement in women's status but still falls short of establishing their full equal standing with men in either the family or the social sphere. [14] Even as various Muslim-majority states have expanded public civil and political rights for women, separate family laws rooted in Shari'a have often remained unchanged; for many Muslims, these family laws remain an untouchable symbol of Muslim identity. "[4], Using the momentum generated by the One Million Signatures campaign and the 1993 Moudawana reforms, the UAF and other women's groups continued to lobby the government by raising awareness of other issues affecting women such as rape and domestic violence. [26] The King responded with a series of actions that would ease the path to reform, including a royal decree that the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women be given legal force. 2001. On March 5, 2001, a year after the rallies in Casablanca and Rabat, Mohammed VI announced the formation of a commission to reform the Mudawana, members of which included a Supreme Court justice, religious scholars, political representatives, and intellectuals from a number of different backgrounds, including female representatives from women's organizations. "Assessing the Impact of the 2004 Moudawana on Women's Rights in Morocco." Opposition parties rarely have the opportunity to assert themselves; any groups who criticize the monarchical system are harassed by government officials. [2] He ordered that a new code be drafted in consultation with some women's groups, to be submitted to him for approval. [31] After the group decided in 1990 that their primary aim should be to reform the Moudawana, it took almost two years to gain the support of other women's rights organizations, who feared that the Moudawana could interfere with other women's rights issues being pursued. Priority in terms of child custody goes first to the mother, then the father, then the maternal grandmother, or to whomever a judge deems the most qualified relative. [9], This commission resulted in a number of changes, implemented in 1993, which instituted provisions that (among other things) required a bride's verbal consent to marriage, eliminated a father's right to force his daughter to marry, and mandated the obtainment of a judge's permission in cases of polygamy and a husband's repudiation of his wife. que le Maroc devienne, avec l'aide de Dieu, un grand chantier de production, générateur de richesse. Tennis’ Ace Card: Billie Jean King and the Battle for Women’s Equality, Uniao Nacional dos Estudantes: Generations of Student Struggle for Brazilian Rights, Through the Eye of the Needle: Frances Perkins and the Seamstresses’ Rebellion. Civil Society and Political Change in Morocco. Divorce proceedings take place in a secular court, rather than before a religious official. May 2007. She is best known for her work to help improve women's rights through reforming the Mudawana, Morocco's legal code governing family life.She also served as a member of the House of Representatives from 2007 to 2011. [22] Most men who oppose the reforms believe the law negatively impacts them, gives greater weight to their spouses' demands, and view it as contrary to their religious beliefs. [6], Some have described the women's rights movement in Morocco as a movement of elites and criticized the new Mudawana on similar grounds. King Mohammed VI, whose reign began in 1999 after the death of his father, was much more sympathetic to their cause than King Hassan II had been; in fact, when he ascended the throne, King Mohammad VI promised in a nationally televised speech that he would work to improve Morocco's human rights record. This occurred shortly after Mohammad VI succeeded his father as King, and within a year of the rallies, he announced the formation of a commission to further reform the Mudawana. - 16 septembre, 2020 - 11:24 «A Hoceima», le conservatoire de musique et le Grand théâtre s’apprêtent pour l’ouverture - 23 août, 2020 - 12:10 "[8], Latifa Jbabdi's long history of activism before becoming involved with the UAF shows her commitment to feminism and reform. Tous les ans, un millier de mariages polygames sont célébrés. نظام جمهوری اسلامی دور تازه‌ای ازنقض آزادی بیان شهروندان در فضای مجازی را ک… https://t.co/sOfqdnEFvr, حذف خودکار تاریخچه یوتیوب Sharia, Muslim States, and International Human Rights Treaty Obligations. Finally, the number of women arranging their own marriages increased by over 14% between 2006 and 2007. [27], The public mood also shifted in the reformists' direction after the terrorist attacks by Salafia Jihadia suicide bombers in Casablanca in 2003. 9 June 2009. [9] Many Islamic groups have emphasized that they do not oppose reform of the Mudawana in general, but reject what they view as reforms rooted in externally imposed principles, such as those based in international human rights law, as opposed to exclusively Islamic origins. Lire en: Anglais Une Réforme Marquante du Statut de la Femme: Un nouveau code de la famille – la Moudawana – a été unanimement adopté par le Parlement Marocain en février 2004. An Overview . A man may only take a second wife if a judge authorizes it, and only if there is an exceptional and objective justification for it, the first wife consents, and the man has sufficient resources to support the two families and guarantee all maintenance rights, accommodation and equality in all aspects of life. While this incident served as a major roadblock for the UAF, King Mohammed VI's arrival onto the political scene was a blessing in disguise. [37] Ibid. Dec 8, 2020 Spread the love Rabat – Women must be equal partners in peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts, Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita said Tuesday. verabschiedet und hat sowohl positive als auch negative Reaktionen hervorgerufen. 2008. Elle a ouvert, cependant le champ pour cette catégorie de la société que sont les femmes à demander, un droit qui leur était inaccessible jusqu’à alors, le divorce. Although there were calls for reform to the family law in the 1960s and 70s, its religious origins made amending it a challenge, and no serious movement for reform emerged until the 1980s. ALIMAROC ADDICT est un Blog pour les acheteurs Marocain. Qui donne ne doit jamais s’en souvenir. "I want the people of Morocco to know that our new law is not only a victory for women, but also for the family, society, and generations to come. While polygamy had become nearly nonexistent, she noted, one out of every ten marriages still involved a minor as of 2007, and the system was facing organizational challenges. 25 novembre 2020 à 13 h 35 Alerte météo au Maroc: averses orageuses et chutes de neige à partir de ce mercredi; 25 novembre 2020 à 12 h 55 Zagora: portée disparue, la petite Marwa a été retrouvée saine et sauve; 25 novembre 2020 à 12 h 09 Message du roi Mohammed VI au président du Suriname; 25 novembre 2020 à 11 h 43 La conférence internationale de Marrakech sur la Justice se tiendra les 21 et 22 octobre. 19 septembre 2020; Charlie 5 ans après : où sont les bien-pensants ? "Progressive or Conservative, Women Influence Islam.". Women cannot be married against their will, though if they wish to designate a male relative to act as their marital tutor, they may. [20], Logistically, the new code created a new system of family courts to handle family law matters, presenting the complex challenges of establishing a new, nationwide system from scratch while provoking opposition among adouls, the local legal officials who previously had jurisdiction over marriage and family matters. Its first version was written in 1957-8 by a group of ten male religious scholars (Ulama) working under the auspices of the monarchy; its substance drew heavily on classical Maliki law. [6], In the 1980s, a financial crisis led King Hassan II to implement a program of structural adjustment that included some social reforms, leading to increased activity among political and civil society organizations. The first wife may also petition for divorce if the husband takes another wife. Mots clés conditions féminines el othmani femmes Maroc moudawana. The right to petition for divorce belongs to both men and women, though procedures for reconciliation and mediation are encouraged. Cette 2ème édition s’articulera autour du … [9][11] This move demonstrated significant political support behind the idea of reform, and framed the issue more as one of politics and human rights than religion (indicated in part by the delivery of the petition to the prime minister, the nominal head of the government, as opposed to the king of Morocco, who is also a spiritual leader). [14] The opposition took many steps to curb the power of the UAF; the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Islamic Affairs encouraged imams to preach against the reforms. مدونة السير بالمغرب pdf. However, on the same day, an alliance of opponents to the movement organized a march in Casablanca, where the women, all veiled, marched in separate lines from the men. "This Time I Choose When to Leave: An Interview with Fatna El-Bouih." Morocco made a landmark reform to its family code (moudawana) in 2004; it is only the second Arab country (after Tunisia) to have introduced such progressive measures for women.Led by their own vigorous movement and supported by the king, women won greater equality – notably the right to marry without the permission of a male family member and to initiate divorce on a fairer basis. La Moudawana ou Code du statut personnel marocain est le droit de la famille marocain codifié en 1958 sous le règne du roi Mohammed V. Ce code a été amendé une première fois en 1993 par Hassan II, puis révisé en février 2004 par le Parlement marocain et promulgué par le roi Mohammed VI le 10 octobre 2004. The Maliki school has been the dominant source of Islamic jurisprudence in Morocco since the 10th century. In the words of Latifa Jbabdi, the reform achieved "a peaceful revolution for women."[37]. [3] Ibid. According to Fatima Outaleb, a member of the UAF, "The UAF was not dissatisfied with those reforms.