AD 331 and 333-334. RIC VI London 257. / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around VOT XXX within wreath. Mintmark PTR. Constantine AE follis. Mintmark: ΔSIS. Constantine I AE Follis, Ostia. London mint, AD 312-313. Constantine I, AE follis of London, 23mm, 4.3g. Mintmark R wreath P. Constantine I, AE4, 14mm of Rome, half-follis. AD 313-315. Mintmark TARL. No legend, laureate head right. Δ-E across fields. Mintmark PLON. / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers holding spears and shields with two standards between them, three dots horizontally above standards. AD 325. Star above the standards. 20 mm, 2.47 g. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right. Mintmark PTR. Mintmark ASIS star-in-crescent. / GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing left, holding modius on head, patera, chlamis and cornucopiae. 316 AD. Mintmark PLN. Alföldi 198. / SOLI INV-I-CTO COMITI, Sol standing half left, holding globe and raising right hand, chlamys across left shoulder, flying under left arm. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, laureate bust left, wearing imperial mantle, holding eagle-tipped sceptre / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. 315-316 AD. Date BKX below. RIC VII Trier 94 var (bust type). Mintmark SARL. RIC VII Rome 49 var (field mark - instead of crescent). 19mm, 3.60 g. CONS-TANTINVS AVG, laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right. Epsilon in left field. CONSTANT-INVS AVG, helmeted bust left with spear and shield / VICT dot LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT-PR. Siscia. Constantine AE follis. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Bust of Sol right, radiate and draped, seen from rear. Mintmark SMKΓ. London. IMP C CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Mintmark SMN. Mintmark PLG, off flan. RIC VII Arles 304; Sear 16308. Mintmark SMANH. 2d). AD 313-315. Constantin Center Piece in Wood and Bronze Minimalist Design. / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, wreath within is written VOT XX. 319-320 AD. Constantine I AE Follis. Constantine I, AE follis. Mintmark PT. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, raising right hand and holding globe in left hand, captive to left. Constantine AE Follis. Mintmark SMALA. Mintmark dot ATR. London. RIC VII Arles 318; Sear 16247. / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN, Jupiter standing facing with head left, chlamys hanging from left shoulder, holding Victory on globe and leaning on sceptre, eagle left, officina letter Γ right, mintmark SIS. / GLORIA ROMANORVM, Roma seated left, holding Victory on globe and sceptre, officina letter A in left field. Constantine I, AE follis. / SOLI INV-I-CTO COMITI, Sol standing right, head left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Constantine I. AE Follis. IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right. / DN CONSTANTINI AVG around VOT XX (no wreath). 313-314 AD. Constantine I AE Follis. Mintmark BSIS sunburst. AD 309-310. The crown, bezel, and push-pieces on the bicolor model are all made of pink gold. S-F across fields. N over B in right field. / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN, Jupiter standing facing, head left, chlamys hanging from left shoulder, holding Victory on globe and leaning on sceptre, eagle with wreath left, epsilon in right field. / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories standing facing each other, holding between them a shield inscribed VOT PR on an altar decorated with a diamond with dot in centre and a dot in each corner of the altar front (Helv. AD 312. Dot in left field. Constantine AE follis. Mintmark dot P dot L dot. / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated right on shield, holding shield in lap inscribed XV. RIC VI Nicomedia 70c (missing in RIC). Constantine I. Constantine AE Follis. RIC VII Lyons 280. Posthumous issue. Constantine AE follis. Constantine AE Follis. AD 317. Mintmark PLC. / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around VOT XXX within wreath. Bell & Ross BRV2-94 Aéronavale Bronze (release date tba) ... the 18k gold markers and the beautiful symmetry for such a highly complicated piece. Constantine AE follis. RIC VII Trier 449. IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe upwards, right hand raised. M-F across fields. F-T across fields, mintmark PLG. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. 21 mm, 7.71 gr. Constantine AE follis. IMP C CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate head right. 316 AD. Mintmark ARLP. / SOLI INV-I-CTO COMITI, Sol standing slightly right, (hips right), chlamys over left shoulder and hanging behind, holding globe and raising right hand. RIC VII Arles 193; Sear 16299. Mintmark dot ATR. RIC VI 164. RIC VI Nicomedia 75c (missing in RIC for Constantine). Constantine AE follis. / PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG, campgate, two turrets, 6 layers, star above, no door. Constantine I, AE follis, Siscia. Mintmark TS Epsilon VI. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right. T-F across fields. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI T-F, Sol standing left, chlamys falling from left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. Constantine I. AE follis, Arles. 328-9 AD. Constantine I AE Follis. RIC VII London 125. Mintmark SMNΔ. / [G]LORI (sic) PERPE[T], two Victories walking right, each holding wreath and palm branch, standard between them. Constantine I AV Medallion of 1 1/2 Solidi. Mintmark dot PTR dot. / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT PR over altar with garlands and star. edition number: 10/30. Trier. Mintmark: BTR. / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, campgate with six rows, two turrets, no doors, star above. Mintmark PLG. 19mm. Constantine I AE Follis. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, laureate head right. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing right, head left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand; R-S across fields. Constantine I. / SAECVLI FELICITAS, Shield inscribed AVG on a garlanded cippus. Diademed head right, eyes raised to God / CONSTANTINIANA DAFNE, Victory seated left on cippus, head right, holding palm branch in each hand, trophy and captive before; A in left field. Trier. Mintmark STR. 307-309 AD. CONSTANTI-NVS PF AVG, laureate head right. Mintmark PA-crescent-RL. Mintmark PTR. Star in left field. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right. Mintmark PLN. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right. Constantine I. AE Light Follis. Constantine standing right, holding globe and spear, swastika cross in right field. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Constantin Brancusi, born in Romania in 1876, was a remarkable sculptor and photographer. Mintmark PTR dot-in-crescent. / VICTORIA CONSTANTINI AVG, Victory walking left, bearing trophy and palm branch, VOT XXX in right field. Mintmark STR. RIC VIII Cyzicus 19. 317-320 AD. RIC VII Antioch 85; Sear 16359. Trier. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF INV AVG, laureate head right. / MARTI CON-SERVATORI, Mars standing right, helmeted and in military dress, cloak spread over upper chest, holding upright spear, point downwards, left hand on shield. Constantine I AE Follis of Cyzicus. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, helmeted, laureate, cuirassed bust right. Constantine I, AE follis of Constantinople. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right. RIC VIII Heraclea 58. Bridgend Hoard 96. / PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG, campgate with two turrets and star above. Constantine AE Follis. Constantine I AE Follis. 2.95 g. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around VOT XX within wreath. / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories facing each other, supporting shield inscribed VOT PR over altar. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB C, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right. / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol, radiate, standing left, looking left, raising right hand and holding globe in left. S-F across fields. Mintmark CONS star. Mintmark ARLP. Mintmark PLG. Mintmark dot SMKB. 321-322 AD. CONSTANTINVS P AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right. Constantine I AE Follis. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. 324 AD. RIC VII Siscia 61. Mintmark ST. Constantine I AE Follis. 319 AD. S-A across fields. S over star in left field, P in right field. Palm branch above. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, helmeted, laureate cuirassed bust left, holding spear forwards and shield on arm / MARTI CO-NSERVATORI, Mars standing right, helmeted and in military dress, holding vertical spear, point downwards and resting left hand on shield. 314-315 AD. / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol, radiate, standing left, raising right hand and holding globe in left. / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT PR over altar with garlands and star. CONSTANTI-NVS AVG, laureate bust right, wearing trabea and holding eagle-tipped sceptre / BEATA TRAN-QVILLITAS, globe on altar inscribed VOT - IS - XX in three lines, three stars above. RIC VII London 154 var (obv legend); Cloke & Toone 9.01.002. Constantine I AE Follis. / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. / SOLI INV-I-CTO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. London. Constantine AE follis. 326-327 AD. AD 319. Mintmark TARL. Struck 328 AD. Mintmark P dot T. RIC VII Ticinum 21; Sear 16087. Constantine AE follis. IMP C FL VAL CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate head right. RIC VII Arles 30; Sear 16031 note. S-F across fields. 4.7 gr. 1.15 g. Trier. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. Constantine AE Follis. RIC VII Rome 176; Sear 16306. Mintmark P dot T. Constantine I. / VIRTVS AVGG, campgate with 4 turrets, 5 layers, star above, open panelled doors. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Mintmark ALE. RIC VII Trier 114. / CLARITAS REIPVBLICAE, Sol standing left, chlamys over left shoulder, holding globe in left hand and raising right hand. Constantine I AE follis. RIC VII Nicomedia 12 var (obv. AD 313-315. / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers holding spears and shields with two standards between them. Constantine I AE Follis. 320-321 AD. Mintmark SMN. Constantine I, silvered AE of Thessalonica. / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around VOT star XX in three lines in wreath. Constantine I. AE follis, Lyons. / BEAT TRA-NQLITAS, globe on an altar inscribed VOT-IS-XX, three stars above. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, laurel and rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Constantine AE follis. RIC VI London 89b; Sear 15518. Mintmark TSΓVI. / SOLI INV-I-CTO COMITI, Sol standing right, head left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, cuirassed bust right wearing high-crested helmet / BEATA TRAN-QVILLITAS, Globe set on altar inscribed VO-TIS-XX; three stars above. Star in left field, crescent in right field. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. RIC VII London 158; Sear 16296. Antioch mint, AD 324-325. CONSTANTINVS AVG, Laureate head right. 326-327 AD. Mintmark PCONST. / BEATA TRANQVILLITAS, Altar inscribed VO-TIS-XX, surmounted by globe, three stars above. Constantine AE follis. Constantine I. Posthumous. / VIRTVS AVGVSTI, Lion standing left, head facing; club above. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust right. IMP CONSTAN-TINVS MAX AVG, Helmeted, laureate, cuirassed bust right. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right. Constantine AE follis. / IOVI CON-SERVATORI, Jupiter standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding Victory on globe and sceptre, eagle with wreath at foot left. / VICT dot LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories standing facing each other, holding shield inscribed VOT PR on an altar decorated with the letter S (Helvetica 6f). CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Constantine AE follis. Mintmark PLON. IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate, mantled bust left holding mappa / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG, Jupiter standing left, holding globe surmounted by Victory holding wreath, leaning on sceptre, captive at foot left, Epsilon to right. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS NOB CAES, laureate head right. Unpublished var. Mintmark dot SMHA. Constantine I. AE Follis. / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT PR over altar. Mintmark: SMHB. Mintmark BTR. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Constantine AE follis. / GENIO-POP ROM, Genius standing left, tower on head, loins draped, holding patera and cornucopiae, S-A across fields, mintmark PTR. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI S-F, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. RIC VII Arles 6 var (officina); Depeyrot 1/4; Cohen 679; Sear 15774. RIC VII Rome 27; Sear 16097. / VIRTV-S AVGG, campgate, eight layers, four turrets, no doors. Constantine I AE Follis. 327-328 AD. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. No legend, diademed head right, looking upwards / CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, Victory walking left, holding trophy and palm branch. AD 327-329. / MARTI CONSERVATORI, Mars, helmeted, in military dress, standing right, cloak spread across upper chest, holding upright spear, point downwards, and resting left hand on shield. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, radiate Sol standing left, holding globe showing lines of latitude and longitude, and raising right hand. Crescent in left field, I in right field. Constantine. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate head right. 310-313 AD. / VICTORIA AVG NN, Victory advancing right with wreath. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. Constantine I AE Follis of Cyzicus. Constantine II AE follis. Constantine I, AE silvered follis, Cyzicus, AD 312. Alexandria. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Star over Δ in left field. Mintmark MLN. Altar type Helvetica 6c (a cross). / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around VOT XX within wreath, laurel branches to left and right. CONSTANTINVS AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, draped bust right. C-S across fields. Mintmark TARL. Constantine AE follis. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right. AU Aureus. / SOLI INV-I-CT COM DN, Sol radiate, standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding Victory in left hand, right hand raised. Constantine Silvered AE follis. 1866 p.85; Bikic-Do hoard 752 var (mintmark). CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, Laureate head right. Constantine AE follis. RIC VII London 267. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. Mintmark RP to RQ. Mintmark P star-over-crescent A. Constantine I, AE follis, Arles. Mintmark PTR. Constantine I, AE follis, London, 314-315 AD. Constantine AE follis. Mintmark ASIS dot. Sear 16173. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI S-P. Sol standing left, chamlys across left shoulder, raising right hand, globe in left, mintmark PLN. Mintmark AQP. / VN - MR, Constantine veiled and standing right. Mintmark PLN star. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate head right. DV CONSTANTINVS PT AVGG, veiled head right. Mintmark BTR. / MARTI CONSERVATORI, helmeted, cuirassed bust of Mars right. (Very rare type with no break in reverse legend). RX-F across fields. X over II Mu in right field. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. IMP CONSTAN-TINVS MAX AVG, laureate, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right. / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT XX in wreath. AD 322. Trier. Constantine I, AE Follis, Trier AD 307-308. T-F across fields. Mintmark RQ. Sear 16201. Mintmark PT. Constantine I, AE follis, London, 315 AD. Constantine I, 313 AD, AE follis. (Listed in RIC only for Maximian). IMP C FL VAL CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate head right. CONSTA-NTINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. Altar type Helvetica 6f (the letter S). Siscia. Mintmark dot SMHB. / VIRTVS AVGG S-F, campgate with 4 turrets and open doors, star above. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate bust right wearing trabea and holding eagle tipped sceptre / BEATA TRANQVILLITAS, globe on altar inscribed VOT-IS-XX, three stars above. / SOLI IN-VI-CTO COMITI, Sol, radiate, standing left, raising right hand and holding globe in left, C-S across fields. Constantine I AE Follis. Constantine AE Follis. Vacheron Constantin is the world's oldest continuously-operating watch manufacturer. RIC VII Antioch 84; Sear 16271. 325-326 AD. RIC VII Arles 253. Constantine I, AE follis of Constantinople. Constantine I AE follis. Star in right field. Constantine I, AE silvered follis, Cyzicus, AD 312. RIC VI Antioch 105. RIC VI Siscia 152. No legend, laureate head right. Mintmark: Constantine I, AE16, Cyzicus. Star in left field. Mintmark PLN. Mintmark PLN. AVGVSTVS, head right, in rosette and laurel-leaf diadem with four wreath ties / CAESAR within laurel wreath with four wreath ties, two above the knot and two below. Mintmark MLN. Constantine AE follis. Mintmark NA. Mintmark MLN. Constantine AE follis. CONSTANTI-NVS P F AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right, seen from front / VICTORIBVS AVGG NN VOTIS, Victory standing facing, holding wreath inscribed X-XX. S-F across fields. Mintmark BTR. 315-316 AD. RIC VII Trier 342. Divus Constantine I AE4. 307 AD. Mintmark STAR (unpublished mintmark). Mintmark dot BSIS dot. 321-324 AD, CONSTAN-TINVS AVG (or CONSTA-NTINVS AVG), laureate head right. break). 328-9 AD. RIC VII Rome 281; Sear 16193. A in left field. 315 AD. / MARTI CON-SERVATORI, Mars, helmeted, with chlamys hanging down behind, standing right, holding upright spear, point downwards, left hand on shield. RIC VI Trier 693b. / VN - MR, Constantine veiled and standing right. Constantine I AE follis of Arles. 330-333 AD. RIC VII Arles 84. Mintmark RP. No mintmark. S-F across fields. RIC VII Arles 102 ADD (unlisted officina). Mintmark PLON. Unlisted for Constantine from Cyzicus. / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers standing facing, heads turned inward at two standards between them, each holding a spear. / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers with spears and shields; one standard between them with o on banner. RIC VII Lyons 10-12 var (unpublished bust type). Mintmark: PT. / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, campgate with two turrets, no door, star above, mintmark SMNA. RIC VII Arles 105 (Const. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys falling from left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand, T-F across fields. T-F across fields. CONST-ANTINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right. Struck 312 AD. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust left holding spear and shield (unlisted bust type) / PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, prince standing facing, head left, cloak hanging from left shoulder, right hand holding globe, reversed spear in left hand, star to right. RIC VII London 90. Constantine I AE Follis, 2.22 gr, 19.50 mm. / MARTI PATRI CONSERVATORI, Mars standing right, wearing helmet, holding spear, point downwards, and resting left hand on shield. / PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG, campgate with two turrets and star above, no door. Constantine AE follis Follis. Constantine I, AE follis. RIC VII Cyzicus 24; Sear 16261. GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers with spears and shields; two standards between them, with o on banners.