Richard Quinn. pricey tiresome Barracuda. In plus poate duce pana la tun de 90mm fata de max 30mm al germanului si care arata haios pe un vehicul atat de mic. Wiesel 2 is powered by an Audi 1.9l four-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine coupled to a ZF LSG 300/4 automatic transmission. a fost facut cu israelienii si este conceput special pentru terenul greu din Georgia. The first Wiesel 2 light air-transportable armoured fighting vehicle was unveiled in June 1994. Stock from 50 - all in running condition original and complete. In afara de muntii foarte inalti din nord, restul terenului seamana remarcabil de mult cu ce avem noi. 2 hrs. 2016, if 25% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-Tories – 4 Labour – 2 Pro-Indy – 1 Lost 1 Green. 194. In plus producem si tunuri de 23 si 30mm. Nu e masina de lupta de prima linie, ci de sprijin. Nici macar nu am sa scriu cele mentionate de anexarea anumitor zone din Romania, ca nu cumva sa imprastii si mai mult aceasta mizeri, sau mai rau sa o indexeze google. The light rail cost of $2.2 billion is highlighted on the first line but the real story is hidden in the middle of the piece, noting “The busway was costed at $2b and light rail, via State Highway 16, at $2.2b”“. Dr. Starline. Execute Order 1776! In March 2015, the Army changed the name of the ULCV to the Ground Mobility Vehicle., uite asa ceva, pe 5 galeti: It was derived from the Wiesel 1 Armoured Weapons Carrier (AWC). 2-4 points. The command post vehicle is equipped with a roof mounted HARD radar system. Israelienii au facut APC-uri din tancuri lovite, vezi Achazarit. For me? Daca tot faci IFV greu atunci musai sa-i pui ceva de calibru mai mare , nu 25/30 mm; Spike-ul e OK; ar mai fi folositor si-un AGL…partea buna e ca nu mai cumperi IFV noi, partea proasta e ca nu-s amfibii. dar avem VANATORI DE MUNTEEE!!! Patrol GR Y60 raduno calea 4x4 是在优酷播出的汽车高清视频,于2017-06-23 02:09:26上线。视频内容简介:Patrol GR Y60 raduno calea 4x4 Prin continuarea navigării pe website-ul nostru confirmi acceptarea utilizării fișierelor de tip cookie; nu uita totuși că poti modifica setările acestor fișiere cookie urmând instrucțiunile din Politica de Confidențialitate și de Cookies. Boy lewds. The vehicle is fitted with integrated observation equipment including a high-resolution daylight camera, a thermal imaging device and a forward observer (FO). These are minimum and maximum temperatures and may vary with casing material and working pressure. la parasutisti acusi ramai doar cu HUmvee, ca MLVM si-au ratat modernizarea in anii 2000, cand trebuia facuta la comun cu MLI-84… si ai nevoie de ceva mai usor, pe senile, nu de un MLI greu. In speranta in care nu am dat buzna cu commentul meu, astept un raspuns din partea dvs. Shown is the new longer Weasel-2 that can carry … New Smart Remote. The engineering / reconnaissance vehicle is fitted with combat engineer-specific equipment sets allowing it to perform demolition operations and scout minefields. Se bombardeaza si in zona Shyrokyne (est de Mariupol). Personal sunt pentru varianta 2. latirea senilei. Le nom générique Warthog désigne un ensemble de véhicules militaires de l'UEG basés sur le M12 FAV (M12 Force Application Vehicle[Note 1][Note 2]), un châssis de tout-terrain à quatre roues motrices. Georgianul e bine protejat (expertiza israeliana), cara ceva mai mult si e proiectat avand in vedere terenul greu din zona respectiva. It incorporates an extended hull and a more powerful engine. The Canadian Light Rail Vehicle (CLRV) and Articulated Light Rail Vehicle (ALRV) were the types of streetcars used by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). It can independently search targets and communicate with the command vehicle. Stim inventarul exact al armatei? This model first appeared in 1994 and sports a running length of 4.78 in length with a height of 2.17 meters and a width of 1.87 meters. SÁGEŢILE IMPERIULUI 2; Craciun Fericit!..and Happy Dank Farrik to all! An additional 13 vehicles were ordered at the end of 2006. Main Antagonist/Main Villains: Dr. Eggman. ISO Military Vehicle Series. Boy lewds. RO2 = TACAM R-2 Tank Hunter RO3 = TACAM T-60A Tank Hunter RO4 = R-2 Light Tank RO5 = R-1 Tankette 1:35 AUSTRALIAN AFV PLANS Code & Vehicle Name AU1 = Sentinel AC1, Cruiser Tank AU2 = Scorpion AC3, CS Tank AU3 = AC4 prototype with 17pdr gun AU4 = Carrier MG LP No. Enables webcam mode; enables Display Mod compatibility; expands HyperSmooth 2.0 High and Boost availability to more video … De asa ceva avem si noi nevoie, este cea ce face diferenta in COIN. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It…, The AEV3 Kodiak, launched by Geniepanzer in Switzerland, is an armoured engineering and mine clearance tank that can meet the…, Get important industry news and analysis sent to your inbox – sign up to our e-Newsletter here, “The Bundeswehr ordered the first Wiesel 2 in 1995.”, “Wiesel 2 is powered by an Audi 1.9l four-cylinder engine.”. GMV is intended to be carried internally in a … Ce au dezvoltat ei pt terenul lor ar merge la fix si la noi. 4 i, whereas the reference to WX; in Frg. @zma, eu am fost in Georgia acum cativa ani, si am traversat tara de la est la vest cu masina. The Weasel Light Reconnaissance Vehicle showed up at Modern Day Marine 2015, but its German maker is hoping the U.S. Army will adopt it for scout units. Poa societatea civila SRI? Rus+pro ataca in zona Avdiivka, inclusiv artilerie o „graduiesc” de zor (). !米国の対中政策の韓国への影響は?|香港民主活動家が文政権に抗議 21分前; 1~3月の法人企業統計 10年半ぶりの下落幅 26分前 macar 12,7 / 13, 5 mm; Wiesel nu rezista. Fluid Pumped2 Pump Type Temperatures LR LRV LLR-30°C to 125°C (-20°F to 250°F) LR-S-30°C to 150°C (-20°F to 300°F) 2. 4 ii, line 2. Identification of the weasels. The engine generates a power output of 81kW. Totul depinde de cat de bine reusesc sa il protejeje contra HEAT, IED/mina, loviturile de sus si ce turela ii pun (tun+ATGM obligatoriu). Wiesel e sexy intr-adevar dar protectia e cam redusa. Two Sides of FJ. Price range regarding condition from 8500 € (as is ) to 12 000 € (perfect 1st choice condition ) Also available fully refurbished for … The Bundeswehr received a Wiesel 2 command post vehicle for field trials in 1999. "The Studebaker M29 Weasel". Ba chiar le-au folosit si ca tancuri, vezi Tiran. nu in configuratia actuala, rezistand doar la 7,62mm… dar refolosind masa suprastructurii altundeva, ar putea, Rheinmetall fiind specialisti in blindaje usoare. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Ar fi o idee sa refolosim vechile cotețe T55 in același mod ? Wonderland Models stock the full range of Tamiya 1/35 WWII Military plastic model kits including the Panzer IV Ausf D, King Tiger and the Matilda Tank.We also stock a large range of Tamiya model paints, Spray Paints, Modelling Tools, and Modelling accessories. nu ar fi bun pt trupele de parasutisti romanesti ca senilat usor, normal modernizat si redesenat un pic si poate fabricat sub licenta in Romania? Eu cred ca poate sa aiba o protectie la proiectile de 12,7mm REAL LRV Weasel 2s: JLTVs CAN'T RO-RO From Army C/MH-47 Chinooks 12分前; wowsMAD「艦隊乙女」リクエスト動画 16分前; 韓国包囲網? In al doilea rand, am cautat numele jurnalistului care a scris articolul, iar rezultatele google nu au fost cele mai flatante pt el, se pare ca este un personaj extrem de dubios. acum pe bune , un Ag7 il cam da cu roatele in sus, ce treaba are AG 7 cu… datul cu rotile in sus? Wiesel 2 is a stretched and improved version of the Wiesel 1. Alexandru Cumpănașu ?! Imi place jucaria cu tun de 30 mm. The APC can carry four fully equipped troops. Weasel… 2 LRV Wiesel 2 – radiografie Si totusi, in timp ce unii, mai mioritici, se gandesc de ani de zile cum sa achizitioneze niste 4×4 usor blindate, altii analizeaza concepte avansate de cercetare usoara pentru brigazile de infanterie si parasutisti (vehicul “parasutabil” din CH-47/CH53/C-130 sau transportabil in prastie de UH-60 BLack Hawk)…… IUBESC categoria asta de masini inca de cand am descoperit prima data MALAXA tip UE. The vehicle offers better protection to the crew against ballistic threats and NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) agents. Pai sa incepem cu inceputul: CIA nu poate ancheta FBI pe motiv ca CIAul este similar SIE romanesc n-are nici o autoritate pe teritoriul american, doi – dcnews este un site afiliat oficial Antena 3, trei – cel mai probabil o perdea de fum pt ca romanii sa stea cuminti si nu mai iasa in strada impotriva guvernului Dragnea, in rest aberatii, platitudini, imbecilisme si non-sensuri. 172. Please read our terms and conditions before contacting us. Noi din moment ce avem licenta bmp de la rusi cat si experienta ar trebui sa construim relativ usor un nou apc sau ifv senilat. 25/Oct/2016, 01:55. Am senzatia ca nu i-au umblat mai deloc pe la amsamblul de putere, doar relocari. As for the actual percentage, in my experience, 25% lifts it approx.,,,,,,,,,,,,, Exercițiu de tragere realizat cu succes cu un sistem MMP, prin identificarea țintei cu ajutorul dronei Novadem, Articolul de seara: exercitiu de competenta. It can be easily distinguished from its predecessor by the additional road wheel it features on either side of its hull. I am Weasel… 2 LRV Si mai poate transporta si o grupa de 4 oameni alaturi de echipajul de 2, sub protectia unui blindaj usor, la un maxim de 5 tone in varianta alungita, totul intr-un sasiu protejat la gloante pana la cal. The Weasel developed by Rheinmetall was specifically designed for use by airborne forces. E … e un ins care nu prea stie ce scrie .SI scrie prost. The vehicle is air-transportable by the CH-53 and CH-47 helicopters. Il existe une version démilitarisée couramment désignée Warthog civil. The ambulance variant of the Wiesel 2 was delivered for field trials in November 1997. ... 2 hrs. 2016, if 40% of SNP regional votes had gone to a Pro-Indy party:-Tories – 3 Pro-Indy – 2 Labour – 2 And we’ve lost 1 Tory and 1 Green. The Special Forces Flyer 72 version had SOF-specific items removed and more seats added to meet ULCV requirements for a weight of 4,500 lb (2,000 kg) and a 3,200 lb (1,500 kg) payload, equal to nine soldiers and their gear. Rheinmetall AG holds a 51% stake in RMMV, with the remaining 49% held by MAN Truck & Bus. Wiesel a fost totusi conceput in anii 80, nu e tocmai cel mai nou design. Weasel ar fi bune in loc de Humvee la VM, alaturi de ce-o mai functiona dintre MLVM-uri…. Platforma are nenumarate aplicatii, printre cele mai sexi fiind varianta Wiesel 1 MK20/25 cu tun cal .20mm Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh202 , chiar daca nu mai e chiar la moda acum, desi avea un prototip derivat cu tun revolver cal. Ca pret, iar e preferabil francezul in fata Wiesel sau Bv206. For the LRV, the Flyer 72 could have armor added, carry six troops, and mount an M230 chain gun. extraordinary sometime simple Boar. It is the smallest carnivore in the world, according to Animal Diversity We… 7,62mm… si rezistent la rasturnare completa. Breezie the Hedgehog. Ma nou poti instala tunuri usoare cal. Deci, tancuri nu, IFVuri, APC nu, sprijin aerian la sol nu, artilerie doar brigada LAROM cate or fi functionale pe timp de pace sau la apel care si asa sunt sub bataia la ce au rusii si turcii, rezulta forte terestre zero. Historic Military Vehicles Directory., Boxer, Wiesel … in ritmul asta o sa fim Bundeswehr 2 :)). REAL LRV Weasel 2s: JLTVs CAN'T RO-RO From Army C/MH-47 Chinooks 5時間前; wowsMAD「艦隊乙女」リクエスト動画 5時間前; 韓国包囲網? It was certified as field-worthy in 1999 and twenty vehicles were manufactured at Rheinmetall’s Unterlüß plant during 2002-2003. Articol sustinut si vezi doamne „confirmat” si de fostul sef al sri Costin Georgescu. Boxer is an 8×8 multirole armoured vehicle (MRAV) managed by the European Armaments Agency, Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR).…, The Lynx KF41 (Kettenfahrzeug 41) is a next-generation tracked infantry fighting vehicle developed by Rheinmetall Defence for global defence customers.…, The Oshkosh joint light tactical vehicle (JLTV) was developed by Oshkosh Defence for the US Army and Marine Corps. U.S. Army Transportation Museum. !米国の対中政策の韓国への影響は?|香港民主活動家が文政権に抗議 5時間前; 1~3月の法人企業統計 10年半ぶりの下落幅 5時間前 All weasels become all white in the winter, though. Repet, Weasel nu e IFV ci e in aceeasi categorie cu Humvee, dar pe senile si mai bine protejat. Military Vehicles Magazine. nu are nici o sansa cu kurganets 25, Eu unul nu vad cum ar putea ca acest lucru sa se intample, avand in vedere ca armata Romaniei nu este chiar degeaba iar armata Ungariei nu vad cum ar putea infaptui o asemenea actiune, sa nu mai mentionez armata Moldovei. Contact Us Sistemul asta de lupta , dotat corespunzător ar fi numa’ bun pentru a surprinde niște elicoptere inamice , sau chiar infanterie mecanizată . It is a multi-purpose vehicle, which can be deployed in a variety of mission types such as reconnaissance, command and control, evacuation of wounded personnel, and weapon transportation. Mie unul imi suna aproape imposibil, dar va intreb si pe voi, stiind experienta pe care o aveti dpdv militar si nu numai. It incorporates an extended hull and a more powerful engine. Sip, al bicho se le puede integrar misiles Stinger por medio del sistema LeFlaSys en el Wiesel 2, no sé si también en el Wiesel 1. The Bundeswehr ordered the first Wiesel 2 in 1995. It is native to Eurasia, North America and North Africa, and has been introduced to New Zealand, Malta, Crete, Bermuda, Madeira Island, the Azores, the Canary Islands, São Tomé, the … The LRV … The least weasel (Mustela nivalis), little weasel, common weasel, or simply weasel in the UK and much of the world, is the smallest member of the genus Mustela, family Mustelidae and order Carnivora. cat sa coste o licenta de la georgieni? Numar si de piese stocate. . Poate văd prea îngust dar consider nepotrivit acest tip de vehicul pentru a penetra adânc un teritoriu ocupat de forte ostile…. Selon le modèle, différentes armes sont ajoutées et modifications apportées au châssis initial. So there’s actually only a 10% difference ($200 million) difference between a short to medium term solution and a … We also have gained a reputation for high reliability by manufacturing high quality products including LRV (light rail vehicle), AGT (Automated Guideway Transit), braking systems for Shinkansen trains, and sheet-fed offset presses. O recunoastere cinstita ca nu despre gratierea pedofililor senili este vorba … ci despre cum sa se fenteze algerile neconvenabile. Shown is the new longer Weasel-2 that can carry four soldiers plus a driver. Kurganets probabil sacrifica protectia pentru putere de foc si partea amfibie, nu cred sa fie foarte bine protejat, la 25 de tone nici nu prea are cum. Insa in lipsa de altceva ar fi foarte bun pentru VM si Para (desi nu vad cum le transportam noi aeropurtat), intr-adevar este altceva decat ceea ce este prezentat in articol, The Weasel 2 (or Wiesel 2) Light Recon Vehicle (LRV) can Roll-On/Off (RO-RO) from U.S. Army C/MH-47 Chinook and larger aircraft to include by parachute drops... lancio Iskander?.gif … HERO8 Black firmware v2.0 now available. 333. Two variants have been produced: the standard single-module CLRV and the longer articulated double-module ALRV.. Este slab protejat, nu cred ca e stralucit pe teren greu. Ideea e ca IFV-urile sunt destul de scumpe noi noute iar nu ne permitem sa nu folosim niste carcase de la TR-uri care sunt de calitate (blindaj dublu fata de T-55 de pilda) si care pot asigura protectie foarte buna si cu tehnologia actuala pot fi remotorizate; Cu ce lista de achizitii exista, cred ca IFV-urile sunt ultimele pe lista si avem nevoie si de ceva cu senile; o alta chestiune de luat in seama este ca s-a vazut in Ucraina eficienta artileriei reactive tip cluster, deci IFV-uri bine protejate ar fi de dorit si eliminand turela de la TR-uri ai loc de o gramada de kit-uri si blindaje suplimentare, ca sa nu zic de varietate de arme pe ele. USD. este altaa clasa! // To be notified of any new products or offers in this category, please … Este posibil asa ceva? 25% is a pretty subtle shift, 40% is more noticeable. LR, LRV, LLR and LR-S Pumps Maintenance Checklist Impeller Clearance Settings3 Pump Size Mean Radial Wear Ring Ucrainieni: mimim 3 KIA, 24WIA in ultimele ore. Deliveries are scheduled for 2011. destinatia Weasel-ului este alta decat un MLI, fiind din categorie cu Humvee blindat si alte vehicule sub 5 tone, transportabile de elicoptere. FJ was developed by a multicultural team of various beliefs. Acum nu mai e ca in ww2 cand daca vrei protectie mare, trebuie sa pui motor mare (din punct de vedere fizic) acum au aparut materiale compozite, rezistente si usoare. Lazika este altceva. The vehicles are fully digitised and steering, acceleration, breaks and shifting gears can be operated without mechanical controls. > 12mm. The Wiesel 2 series includes an armoured personnel carrier (APC), a command post vehicle, joint fire support team (JFST), a field ambulance, air defence weapons carrier, a reconnaissance vehicle and 120mm mortar variants. Insa barvos GMT. Sper ca pt IM-infanteria marina a FNRo a se cumpere 25 AAV-7 A1 cat pt un batalion! Cu rachetele anti-tank stam mai prost. The chassis is made of steel armour and can withstand small arms ammunition of 5.56mm and 7.62mm. The Weasel Light Reconnaissance Vehicle showed up at Modern Day Marine 2015, but its German maker is hoping the U.S. Army will adopt it for scout units.. Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. Acestea ar fi bune (sa nu zic perfecte) pentru vanatorii romani fabricate in romania cu diferite variante (transport,C7C, AA, AT). COIN. It was first fielded by the German Heer in 1985 where it was used for reconnaissance and as a weapons carrier. Una peste alta prostii scrise prost si fara prea multa carte . ce frumos se misca wiesel 1 in Armored Warfare , o placere sa joc cu el . iar pt TP (trupele de parasutisti) ale Armatei romane o optiune pt un senilat usor ar fi CVR-T britanic redesenat un pic si modernizat, fabricat sub licenta in Romania! 1985. South Africa’s Paramount Group is a manufacturer with a long history of making robust military vehicles. Labour 2 MSPs Green 1 MSP. Evident, cand cumperi ceva testezi insa pot fi solutii mai bune . Total off topic, tin sa verific un articol pe care l-am primit de la un prieten mai panicos de felul lui, articol scris de Alexandru Cumpanasu de la dcnews, articolul este acesta: Câmpurile obligatorii sunt marcate cu *. F 16 MLU romanesti – modernizate; Noi cu HIMARS, rusii cu Tornado; Mini corvete: Proiect 22800 ,,Karakurt” si Proiect 22160 „Vasily Bykov” Prima tragere cu o rachetă cu rază medie (MMP) de pe un vehicul Sabre al Forțelor Speciale The vehicle is normally fitted with a roof mounted Krauss-Maffei Wegmann 7.62mm MG3 machine gun. 3. GoPro will be announcing the new Smart Remote for the HERO9 Black on December 17, 2020.. Vanaf €20.5 beleef je LRV een jaar lang samen met je vrienden Beleef 8 disciplines met slechts 1 licentie Geniet van talrijke kortingen via de LRV Loyal Partners Rij vanaf €2 per wedstrijd Ruime verzekering met uitbreidingsmogelijkheden Vind een club … Wiesel 2 demonstrates all-terrain capabilities and manoeuvrability even in areas that are not generally accessible to large, heavy vehicles. Familiar, Weasel Weasel CR 1/2 Source Pathfinder RPG Bestiary pg. ... Namely, it really does take two FEOs to check an entire LRV’s worth of passengers (pre-pandemic) between two typically-spaced stations. The engine is a 64 kW (86 hp) Audi 2.1-litre diesel engine giving a top speed of 70 km/h (45 mph). Eu ma gandeam chiar la un vanator de tancuri dotat cu 2 tunuri de 100 pe ideea unor vehicule austriece si germane din anii 60. Paramount Group. Ciobanul va vizita ungaria intru” islamisti ,ei fiind impotriva hoardelor de ciuhabi,nu cred ca este vreo panica doar ca merkel si frankistan doresc in continuare islam pe paine si asta doar ptr votanti ,turci in germania si cei 40% in frankistan ,azi spuneau europenii ca le este teama de cioban ca va da mana cu pufoaica peste ei deci totul se rezuma la islam nu are legatura cu teritorii ,pana la urma trebuie sa ne scape cineva de ciuhabi. un articol despre Scimitar britanic ar fi frumos acum cand il scot din uz, Și-au umflat mușchi englezii? Lor le trebuie un IFV capabil sa lupte alaturi de ei in localiti-orase care sa poata fi un bun incasator HEAT, sa aibe o rata mare de foc si sa protejeje trupa „de desant”. Oare de ce? S-ar descurca bine la calarit muntii nostri. Deliveries began in 2005 and concluded in 2007. Rheinmetall was awarded a €31m contract for the supply of 32 Wiesel 2 Mobile Command Post (MCP) variants, with an option for 16 more vehicles in mid-2004. "Studebaker M29 Weasel". in ce priveste presiunea la sol ai 2 solutii: lungesti senila sau latesti senila. In primul rand, dupa cum am mai zis si in alte comentarii, apreciez munca voastra, a tuturor celor care intretineti acest site prin articole extrem de bine scrise si documentate si nu in ultimul rand presiunea pe care o puneti pe MAPN atunci cand este cazul. Flyers star Jakub Voracek called a local reporter a “weasel” during a stunning tirade Friday night. 2 hrs. Rheinmetall Defense brought its Weasel Light Reconnaissance Vehicle to Modern Day Marine 2015, hoping the U.S. Army would adopt it for scout units. Oricum, ramane in uz si ca si platforma de rachete sol-aer in sistemul LeFlaSys/Ozelot, platforma pentru aruncator de bombe, punct de comanda si Medevac. Eu mentionam Lazika pentru VM si para, nu in rolul de IFV greu pentru infanteria mecanizata. Aruncatorul cal. Lazica e MLI in toata regula. 24 Ianuarie 2021: Hora Re-Unirii…fără Horă? "M-29 weasel". The U.S. Army Ground Mobility Vehicle (A-GMV or AGMV), previously just GMV, and formerly called the Ultra Light Combat Vehicle (ULCV), is a U.S. Army proposed airdroppable light off-road vehicle to improve the mobility of light infantry brigades. its common name implies, the least weasel is the smallest, measuring only 7 or 8 inches (18 to 20 cm) long and weighing 1 to 2 1/2 ounces (28 to 70 g). Li s-ar potrivi cu brio cred. Ie Hutul 2.0, ca originalul e ala viu, tot in „dotare”. The tiny armored vehicle recently participated in a two-week vehicle assessment at Fort Benning, Georgia in August along with five other companies as part of the Army’s effort to equip cavalry squadrons a light reconnaissance vehicle. 18-inch ruler a b c Fig. Sa faci tu IFV greu din ruginituri de tancuri, mai mare bataia de cap cand astia de la achizitii nu-s in stare sa faca un PDV si o dau pe copy-paste. The Marauder lives up to that standard—and it’s a great military vehicle for civilians to own. 120mm instalat pe Wiesel e dragut si el: Hai sa nu mai vorbim de VM si parasutistii nostri…, Un IFV ceva mai nou, insa si mai greu si probabil mai bine protejat ar fi acesta: Fitzmyer's reconstruction strays from the Sinaiti- cus and does not match the remains. Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles GmbH, or RMMV, is a joint venture company between German companies MAN Truck & Bus AG and Rheinmetall AG.RMMV is part of Rheinmetall's Vehicle Systems Division.